Age Verification
Age verification is required in certain cases, when for example you are dealing with age-restricted products or content; healthcare, gaming, and online streaming look for strict age verification compliances.
With the evolving regulations, simply asking to click on a button that says ‘yes I am 18’, doesn’t cut it for authorities anymore. The process needs to be reliable and accurate and must prove due diligence.
When in doubt, cross-check.
Swift and reliable Age Verification
Verify IDs Internationally
Customize Verification Process
Stay Compliant and thrive
It takes more than just a basic question to verify your customer’s age.
Not being able to fully comply with the evolving regulations might prove to be a risk for your business. If you fail to satisfy the authorities about your age verification process, serious consequences for your company may ensue.
We develop age verification tools that cohesively work with your operations. Whether you wish to incorporate it at checkout or onboarding, we can customize the solution based on your user requirements.
Age verification is required in certain cases, when for example you are dealing with age-restricted products or content; healthcare, gaming, and online streaming look for strict age verification compliances.